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+ 971 (4) 368 0915
+ 971 (4) 455 8556

Shockproof Manager


Shockproof Manager Training By Leap To Success

“In an era where business keeps moving faster, RESILIENCE has become the new must-have EXECUTIVE SKILL. While executives have always known about the personal benefits of being resilient, they haven’t always recognized that it is also needed for the sake of their TEAMS AND ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH.” – Harvard Business Review Publication

No matter how successful, thriving, or seemingly secure any business appears, there are no longer periods of calm seas for leaders in any industry. Leaders today must be at home navigating a ship through forty-foot waves—oceans that will never again be serene—and still be able to guide their crew safely from port to port. In other words, they must continue to be highly effective, particularly in an environment of extraordinary, ongoing stress. They must be better under pressure.

Role of Shockproof Manager:

When we discuss resilience, we tend to focus on the individual – how can they relieve, manage and reduce stressors and learn to become more resilient. We see that resilient people who are engaged, empowered and supported are at the center of a resilient workplace culture. However, we believe that a resilient organization is more than an assembly of resilient individuals – it is also comprised of: leadership that is decisive, authentic and effective in communicating; goals and objectives that are transparent, well-defined and attainable; and systems that support continual learning, collaboration, accountability and recognition.

What kind of leader does it take to help companies survive—and thrive—in the midst of such a fundamental shift in the operating environment?

How would leaders deal with disruptive change and continuously shocking events? What qualities make leaders able to sail through the rolling ocean that is the new normal, and bring their people with them? And how can leaders develop those attributes? And mainly what are the major disruptions that cause managers shocks?

Resilience at the workplace is the capacity of individual employees, teams and organizations to handle stressors and respond effectively to all kinds of changes (expected and non-expected). Our success depends on the way we rebound from setbacks, and being resilient with our approach will help us achieve just that…

Goals of Shockproof Manager Course:

This course takes a structured approach to understanding and managing industry disruptions. It will provide you with the required tools and concepts required to identify and then manage disruptions by implementing targeted actions.

You’ll identify and assess specific disruptions and their impact, as well as the selection of appropriate reaction patterns. Special emphasis will be put on the use of real-life examples and case studies, to ensure both practical relevance and applicability.

The question is how can we create leaders that can perform their best in an atmosphere of multiple ill-defined and ongoing threats to the enterprise’s survival? We know the answer, however, a push in the right direction will ensure that we acquire the required tools and techniques to navigate through it all; Hence Resilient Leader Training Program is designed to explore disruptive changes in details and show you how you can develop structured precautions that will add up to a new definition of leadership.


  • Understand the 5 components of the resilient leaders Mindset. PERMA
  • Developing the “disruptive mindset”: create, engage, adapt
  • Building a shared understanding of what is meant by “disruption”
  • How to spot specific disruption patterns as well as potential sources of disruptions
  • Ways to assess the degree of the respective disruptions in terms of stage, speed and impact
  • The know-how to select appropriate counter initiatives drawing from a tool kit of potential actions, depending on the assessment of the disruption
  • Applying tools for identifying and building agile responses
  • Develop and apply a curious, “what if” mindset—the ability to think “futuristically”
  • Identify and respond to both threats and opportunities for disruption
  • Experiencing “disruption wars” through an interactive simulation

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