Certified Business NLP Practitioner

Course Overview

Certified Business NLP Practitioner Training - Leap To Success


NLP Course in Dubai:

If you have ever wanted to make your team more effective, get better communication between members of staff and departments, get through to staff and customers more powerfully, have your ability to make sales, negotiate and persuade boosted, make better presentations, motivate and share vision while overcoming objections and obstacles, then it’s time you consider becoming a Certified Business NLP Practitioner to enhance your business with an NLP course in Dubai.

NLP Training in Dubai for Business Success:

Many leading businesses are already utilizing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for business success to achieve these objectives and much more.

  • British Gas
  • BT
  • Virgin
  • Bupa
  • Ladbrokes

The diversity of those businesses incorporating NLP into everyday practice is testament that the techniques and approach inherent to NLP can be used by those in any industry:

  • Small Businesses
  • Multinational Organisations
  • Private Sector
  • Public Sector
  • Self Employed Individuals

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming “NLP”:

Proposed in 1970s in the US jointly by John Grinder (born 1940, a professor of linguistics) and John Bandler (born 1950, a mathematician) in association with the UK anthropologist and social scientist Gregory Bateson (1904-1980).

NLP materials are basically collected from different sciences; neurology, linguistics, mathematics, and different schools of psychology (CBT, Systemic, psychoanalysis.)

NLP Practitioner Meaning:

The name of the field refers to (Neuro) the human nervous system, including the brain and the five senses, (Linguistic) the verbal and non-verbal languages with which we communicate and (Programming) the ability to structure our neurological and linguistic systems to achieve desired results.

NLP is defined as the art of personal excellence. If more accurately defined, it is the science of understanding behavior patterns of people and transforming those patterns after thorough understanding. Since the concept of NLP is based upon exercising powers or influence over others, it is more popular among marketing and sales people. Because it tends to gain sensitivity to people, is works well for people associated to social work, entrepreneurs and therapists, particularly at the time of conflict resolution. If we could define excellence in the context of effectiveness, then NLP is indeed a means of excellence. For example, Milton Erickson practiced the concept of NLP by monitoring his patients in order to build a bond with them and then tried to influence their behaviors and change their present and future. (Tosey, P. & Mathison, J., 2006).

It is a set of rules and techniques proposed for modifying behavior in achieving self improvement, self management, and more effective interpersonal communications. Based on certain assumptions about how language and movements of eyes and body affect brain. (Neurological) functions.

NLP is similar to self-hypnosis. Its basic premise is that to achieve any kind of success one must create rich imagery of the goal, and must imitate (model) and internalize the appropriate behavioral patterns.

NLP Practitioner Course:

Its name is derived from how senses filter and process experience before storing it in brain (Neuro), how one uses words and symbols to create mental pictures (linguistic), and how desired habits and attitudes become ingrained (programming). Understanding these principles is essential for individuals undertaking an NLP Practitioner course, as they form the foundation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and its transformative techniques.

NLP in Communication:

Have you ever wondered?

  • Why some people are full of ‘charisma’ while others just seem to be so plain! Is it just instinctively found in some people or it can be easily learned?
  • What are the qualifications that distinguish great leaders?
  • How some people seem to be natural persuaders?
  • What makes some arguments good or valid and others not?
  • What is the secret behind being naturally attached to someone’s speech?
  • How can some people get the crowds to follow them effortlessly?
  • What is the secret beyond successful ‘star getter’ salespeople or employees? How can they effortlessly do it?
  • Can we read people’s mind? Can we decode their map of reality or mechanism of thinking?

Well, yes, it is all about the ART OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION and beyond!

If you are curious to know the answers and learn the techniques, then you will have a joyful learning experience by attending this Certified Business NLP course in Dubai.

Call Us At + 971 (4) 368 0915 or email us at info@l2s.net for further details or to discuss your requirements.

Training Objectives

  • To be certified from The National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Florida USA Home) as a BASIC PRACTITIONER OF NEUROLINGUISTC PROGRAMMING (COMMUNICATION AND BUSINESS)
  • To Know how to establish rapport with others and develop fulfilling and productive relationships
  • How to get into another person’s mind. Read people like a book.
  • How to access your personal strength.
  • To acquire public speaking skills and test it in front of a video camera
  • To learn and master effective body language strategies (Non verbal communication)
  • To capture audience attention by choosing the right magic words and sentences (Verbal communication)
  • To learn how to master any negotiation (Psychology of the meeting)
  • To learn how to communicate more effectively with yourself and with others in your environment (family, friends, colleagues, customers, and even strangers)
  • To learn advanced NLP sales techniques
  • It is designed to help people to have personal freedom in the way they think, feel and behave.
  • It will teach you about human behavior. Why we do what we do in given situations, and how we can change those behaviors for the better by adjusting the mental images in our minds.

Module Outlines

Module 1: Understanding the mechanism of the human mind (why we do what we do). How does it function

Module 2: Introduction to cognitive science (perception of data around us)

Module 3: NLP as a technology (Historical background, introduction, and definition)

Module 4: Understanding NLP

Module 5: Main Techniques of NLP (basic and master levels)

Module 6: How to benefit and how to apply NLP techniques on ourselves and on others

Module 7: Chunking down the elements of ‘charisma’ and understand it

Module 8: Public speaking, NLP effective strategies.

Module 9: Attractive NLP tone of voice

Module 10: Choice of magical and efficient words and sentences for persuasive speech (NLP Language patterns)

Module 11: Reading others’ real intention through their body gestures and words

Module 12: Applying effective techniques in media

Module 13: Applying effective techniques in advertising

Module 14: NLP Ultimate Sales Techniques

Module 15: Understanding the real need of a client

Module 16: Understanding the prospect’s appetite

Module 17: Understanding the prospect’s direction of business

Module 18: NLP Negotiation skills

Module 19: Projection of your product’s qualifications on the client’s need

Module 20: Personalizing any business relationship to be more efficient

Module 21: How to be a self-motivated person

Module 22: How to motivate your team for ultimate production

Customized Learning

Leap To Success is offering a variety of learning options to meet current realities and can be adapted to suit your business needs. These options include variants of online, blended and on-site course formats.

Face To Face Learning

Enabling you to have a face to face interactive and engaging learning experiences led by renowned industry experts and thought leaders with extensive practical experience who will employ a variety of interactive learning techniques, including short high-impact videos, case studies, assessments, role plays, in addition to on-going support.

Virtual Learning Labs

Interactive online learning held in real-time using Zoom and are led by international subject matter experts who incorporate case studies, breakout rooms, guided practice, simulations and discussions to maximise your learning experience.

General Methodology

Similar to any L2S training program, this program offers an interactive learning experience in which will allow the delegates to reflect on their learning through an informative, indulging, and fun classroom experience. The design of the training session focuses on the following attributes.

  • Concrete Experience: The delegates will learn by doing
  • Reflective Observation: Reflecting on the newly experienced skill-set
  • Abstract Conceptualization: Developing deeper understanding to the learned concepts
  • Active Experimentation: providing the delegates with realistic tools that can be tested in the real life

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