Leap To Success is a Learning and Development company providing training and consultancy services across the Middle East region.
It all started in 2012 with two passionate individuals who wanted to combine their expertise and employ it in the service of people and organizations in the United Arab Emirates, who need to achieve their goals and advance in their careers.
Today, Leap To Success has main offices in Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, with a diversified team spread across all the Middle East, working collaboratively with our customers to help them make the LEAP towards success and growth.
We aspire to become the leading provider of Learning & Development solutions in the Middle East, and aim to stretch our grounds and operate all over the map.
Training Delivery Methodology

Step 1:

At e-Leap we provide a suitable environment for the integration of information and communication technology in the training process by developing and providing training systems, electronic courses and the contents of interactive digital sources, which are linked to the lives of the coach and the trainee.
We also work on designing new applications and technologies that support training both in quality and quantity. At e-Leap we strive to provide appropriate training to participate in the development of trainees who contribute in the construction and renaissance movement in the global market.
Over the years, e-Leap has developed training methods and flexible training plans that focus on the trainee and impart training skills that enable them to engage properly in the global market in terms of competition, excellence and development.
Now that training and electronic training programs have become reality and caught the attention of many interested as well as practitioners, e-Leap has sought to meet the increasing need for training to keep up with rapid development to invest such modern technology.

Step 2:

The VLabs platform, a unique, dynamic and cost-effective virtual concept, was created for organizations who need to equip their staff with certain sets of skills using traditional methods and to create a shift in paradigm to pivot the organizational performance towards higher productivity levels in a short time and by achieving quick wins.
VLabs is a blended learning solution designed to provide development seekers with several resources to help them boost their learning curve.

Step 3:

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Eum amet purto essent id, at eum lorem inani concludaturque. Natum voluptua eos id, nec cu movet atomorum adolescens. Hinc epicurei et ius. Cu nihil fabulas feugait mei, cum at probo fugit qualisque.
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Step 4:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, homero definitionem vim ad, quis scripta quo at. Tollit eleifend theophrastus usu te, dolor aliquam salutatus sed eu, etiam lucilius platonem ex vis. Solet omnium inciderint eos an, cu ius qualisque salutatus, quo discere corrumpit consequat eu. Id qui senserit salutatus voluptatum. Has reque vituperatoribus in.
Eum amet purto essent id, at eum lorem inani concludaturque. Natum voluptua eos id, nec cu movet atomorum adolescens. Hinc epicurei et ius. Cu nihil fabulas feugait mei, cum at probo fugit qualisque.
Atqui neglegentur ne mea, ignota sanctus efficiendi mel ei. In nibh dolorem sed, in splendide theophrastus vim. Et per odio tollit tempor. Nobis docendi et nec. Mutat nonumes no mea, id eum omnis zril, ea delectus sensibus intellegat vim.
Ei feugait eloquentiam pri, sea ea persius eloquentiam. Esse quaestio ei cum. Mucius latine discere ut vim. Ut diceret bonorum pro. Te illud dicam lobortis vel.